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The SSBF Journey

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The young, energetic and enthusiastic graduate – with his luggage bags full of necessities, enters a campus of tweeting birds, dancing peacocks, chirping crickets and whistling air. As he walks by the helipad at hill top, and witnesses the echoing amphitheatre – he finds himself lost in those small roads that don’t seem to end. Asking for help and directions, he finally lands himself into the Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance building. The place that will not just be his college for two years, but a monumental evidence of memories made, moments cherished, tears and laughter, smiles and fights, work and play, sun and rain, solitude and company and so much more that words may fall short to describe. An in-house MBA programme, isn’t for that matter just about studies and assignments – it is rather about dealing in aspects of independent living, managing time, supporting teamwork, sustaining relationships, handling emotions, staying strong and going on.

The eight hundred metres distance from the college to hostel felt more than two kilometres initially. Walking was a pain, and brisk walking to reach class on time was added agony. The Outbound trip planned in the first week for the newbie batch was exhausting yet endearing; the ultimate experience which made us comfortable and broke the ice between students. Homesickness struck at night with silent tears that tired eyes into sleep. Nagging about early morning schedules, and fighting the epitome of laziness that we carried. Soon, these so called ‘complaints’ became a part of life. The blowing air with heavy rains that diminished the effectiveness of our umbrellas to zero became the outright peaceful moment our hearts were long finding. Roommates and seniors became extended family and faculty members became mentors for life.

Mess food will always hold a special place in the life of SSBF students. Criticizing taste and comparing it with “HOME FOOD” gave us the kick to digest it faster. But with time, we understood the importance of eating healthy, eating regularly on time and not skipping meals, accepting the balanced diet and also enjoying cheat days at Delhi Chaat and Coffee Stop. The first month also attracts fitness freaks in large numbers to hit the gym no sooner than quitting it and being loyal to sleep which is a luxury that’s seldom provided.

The ultimate resources that college has to offer like the Bloomberg Terminal, Central library, certifications and additional courses, internationalization via student exchange and so many more on the list adds value and practicality in our learning. Administration and support staff who work tirelessly for the betterment of students and their rendered services leave us with lessons of humility, dedication in work and humbleness in nature. 

To sum it up, the two years spent here brings us a different kind of value and wealth which isn’t of course monetary. It is the kind of impact that this place leaves on each one of us, transforms us into individuals who are responsible citizens, aware personalities with the right kind of framework and attitude to deal with toughest situations life has to throw at us. It changes our perspectives – when life throws lemons at you, be happy they ain’t melons!

Prateek Rampuria