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This too shall pass

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This lockdown has impacted almost all the sectors and Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) sector is not an exception. There is a slowdown in hiring in all the sectors however the situation will definitely improve in the near future. Overall BFSI sector is focusing on the technological advancement and digitalization of operations to minimize the impact on the business. After this pandemic phase is over, insurance sector will be in demand as many insurance companies are coming up with Covid specific products. People will be more inclined towards taking appropriate insurance policies. As it is a growing sector, job seekers can look at it as an opportunity. Those who are aspiring for the role of analyst, this sector can offer data analyst jobs. Digital transformation has already started reducing footfall in the banking and financial institutions. Employers in this space will be looking for the job seekers who have acquired digital skills and can acquire, retain and serve customers using digital channels.
Once the pandemic phase is over it will not be the same world for each one of us. We have to up-skill ourselves with the new platforms, software, technological advancements which are and will be required by the industry. Accordingly to experts, many companies will look for employees who are ready for flexible roles. Having multiple skill sets and ready to play different roles would be the key to get hired and sustain in the long run.
During this phase, many people are serving the needy. One can come up with an excellent business idea of social entrepreneurship taking benefits of different schemes of the Government and become job givers. Keep working on new ideas, prepare detail plans and execute.
Keep acquiring new skills, gain knowledge in different domains and most importantly don’t lose focus, the future is bright. This too shall pass.

Dr. Shailesh Natu

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