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Solid Waste Management: A Study Of Pune Municipal Corporation

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The growing problem of solid waste management (SWM) is a major challenge after the Indian cities and villages. We are thinking about the keeping our city clean but have we ever thought about the mounting wastes in the land filling area of the city. We should aim at sustainable solution reduction, recycling and reuse of the waste; to make cities clean.

The study is all about the emergence and growth of solid waste management (SWM) in different part of the world. Identifying the good practices followed by different part of the world and Indian cities to have sound policy and program to be adopted by the municipal corporation in managing solid wastes. There are cities who are successfully converting the solid waste into compost, vermi-composting, Biogas, electricity, RDF (Refused Derived Fuel), real estate inputs, metals, etc, we need to learn their process to be replicated in other cities in India.

Dr. Shiba Parhi

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