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Does Instructor’s Use of Self-Authored Cases vs. Other Cases in Teaching Lead to More Effective Learning?: Instructor’s Use of Self-Authored Cases vs. Other Cases

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The investigation of relationship between teaching and research has flourished for several decades. Teachers’ knowledge and their experiences in conducting research studies are collectively expected to enrich the learning process of students. Relevance and applicability of concepts has the potential to augment learners’ interest in discussing and absorbing the ideas. Learning can be fulfilling in an environment where teachers propel curiosity amongst students and are in interactive mode through a two-way channel of discussion. It is in this light that this pilot study examines the case teaching method with respect to usage of self-authored cases by the instructor, and compares it with the resultant impact on teaching as well as students’ learning when taught with cases authored by others. Participants of the study were students of MBA program in a private university of India. The responses revealed that the two types of teaching materials had impact on areas like clarity, communication, complexity, linking with other topic, preparedness, energy level, and comprehensiveness.

Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Sonal Shree and Sanjai K. Parahoo

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